Antique Vintage Replica

Replica Egyptian Thutmose III

Replica Egyptian Thutmose III
Replica Egyptian Thutmose III
Replica Egyptian Thutmose III
Replica Egyptian Thutmose III
Replica Egyptian Thutmose III

Replica Egyptian Thutmose III    Replica Egyptian Thutmose III

Your amazing statue of the Egyptian Thutmose III the sixth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty and ruled Egypt for almost 54 years, made from Basalt stone with the Egyptian Hieroglyphs and with amazing hand carving and Fantastic Egyptian Old touching, specially made for you. A unique piece you will never find it anywhere. Ancient sculpture replica from the original one, 100% Egyptian HAND MADE.

Replica Egyptian Thutmose III    Replica Egyptian Thutmose III